Art Workshops:

Wednesday February 26th, 2024 ~ Create Writing Meet-Up  ~  10AM-11AM ~ Amy Lundstrom ~ Free flow creative writing exercises where your hand keeps moving on the page and stream of consciousness ~ awaken your senses.  No experience necessary and sharing is always optional. FREE
Saturday March 29th, 2024 ~ Alchemy of Neurographic Art ~  10AM-12noon ~ Meredith Smith ~A Creative Tool for Revealing and Empowering Your Intentions. Neurographic art is an unexpected, accessible and fun way to release your limited thinking and move creatively towards the calling of your true nature and purpose. Neurographic art brings together principles from neuroscience, art, architecture and psychology to harmonize our conscious and unconscious in service of our highest intentions. In this class we will build on principles introduced in the first class: “Introduction to Neurographic Art”, however, no prior experience in art or neurographic art required. If you have ever said to yourself “I wish I could get out of my head or out of my own way”, Neurographic art is a creative fun way to do just that! Materials Provided $30/pp

*Space is Limited
Please email:
to sign up in advance.

Planning a trip to Shelter Cove, want to plan a fun workshop activity during your visit? Reach out and let us know what you have in mind, we have several local artists who may be able to put together a fun workshop just for your group or party.

Photography (Copy Work) For Artists with Amy Lundstrom DTBD

Paper-making workshop with artist, Venessa Kay. Create one of a kind paper incorporating materials from the local environment. $10/pp materials fee DTBD

Art with Cork workshop with artist, Mary Neufeld. Create one of a kind designs incorporating materials from the local environment. $10/pp materials fee DTBD

Watercolor Batik workshop with artist, Cindy Green. A wonderful technique of painting that uses melted wax and watercolor on rice paper. (similar to fabric batik) No experience necessary, knowledge of color mixing is helpful but not necessary. Bring your own artwork or use one of the provided pieces. This is an introduction to the method so the simpler the better. Limited to Ten per class / Open to students 14yrs or older / $15/pp materials fee DTBD

DTBD~ 10:30AM-12noon ~ Afro Brazilian Dance Workshop with Anna Gottreich ~ Come get a great workout in this fun festive class. Featuring a thorough warm up and movement across the space to beautiful authentic rhythms. From Carnaval Samba, and funky Samba Reggae, to the traditional Afro-Brazilian “Orixa” dances steeped in culture of Candomble, we’ll explore the rich diverse world of Brazilian dance and beyond.   ~ $10/pp Please email: to sign up.

Arts at Heart ~ The Lost Coast Makers Collective | Shelter Cove, California 95589 |